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Crusades Wikipedia ~ The enthusiastic response to Urbans preaching from all classes in Western Europe established a precedent for other Crusades Volunteers became Crusaders by taking a public vow and receiving plenary indulgences from the Church

Crusades Facts Summary Legacy ~ The Crusaders conquered Nicaea in Turkey and Antioch and then went on to seize Jerusalem and they established a string of Crusaderruled states However after the Muslim leader Zangī captured one of them the Second Crusade called in response was defeated at Dorylaeum near Nicaea and failed in an attempt to conquer Damascus

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The CrusadersのDiscogsにおけるディスコグラフィ ~ The Crusaders プロフィール American jazz group formed in Houston Texas in 1956 settling on the name The Jazz Crusaders in 1961 shortened to The Crusaders in 1971

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